West Boulder Cabin

4.7·14 reviews
·Custer Gallatin National Forest


West Boulder Cabin is open year-round, offering a variety of recreational opportunities as well as relaxation. Guests can drive to the cabin in warmer weather but should be prepared to snowshoe, ski or snowmobile up to a mile on county roads in the winter. The cabin has electric lights and an electric cook stove. A refrigerator is also provided. Rental camping equipment, such as ice chests, bear spray, campstoves, etc., are available locally in Bozeman. Guests will need to bring many of their own supplies to ensure a comfortable stay.


West Boulder Cabin - Credits: j.barton - usfs
Hikers and equestrians can find trails leading west into the Absaroka Mountains which connect to a network of trails in the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness. The winter landscape is ideal for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing.

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