Great Facilities and Amenities
Campfire Allowed
(All campsites have Campfire Allowed)
Checkin Time
(All campsites have Checkin Time)
Checkout Time
(All campsites have Checkout Time)
Driveway Entry
(There are variety of Driveway Entry. Such as back in, parallel, and pull through.)
(All campsites have Firepit)
Max Num Of People
(Up to 20)
Max Num Of Vehicles
(Up to 10)
Pets Allowed
(All campsites have Pets Allowed)
Picnic Table
(All campsites have Picnic Table)
(28 of 29 campsites have Shade)
Natural Features


Permitted Equipment
tent-Up to 35ft
rv-Up to 40ft
trailer-Up to 40ft
Nearby Attractions
Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge contains nearly 80,000 acres of marsh, open water, uplands, and alkali mudflats. The marshes and open water are managed using a complex system of dikes and water control structures to provide a variety of water depths suitable for the needs of different waterbird species. The Refuge is an excellent place to observe wildlife along a 12-mile auto tour route, as well as enjoying hunting, fishing and wildlife photography.