Red Cliffs National Conservation Area
The approximately 45,000 acres of public land in the NCA are located in south-central Washington County. The NCA is an important component of the Red Cliffs Desert Reserve, a multi-jurisdictional land base that has been collaboratively managed by BLM, the State of Utah, Washington County, and local municipalities since 1996 to protect populations and habitat of the threatened Mojave Desert tortoise and other at-risk native plant and animal species.More than 130 miles of non-motorized recreation trails (hiking, mountain biking, and equestrian trail riding) are available for public use in the NCA. The Red Cliffs Recreation Area offers camping and day use areas, in a developed site where fees are collected. All motorized vehicle travel, including Off-Highway Vehicles, is limited to designated roads in the NCA. No motorized or mechanized vehicle travel is allowed in the Red Mountain and Cottonwood Canyon Wilderness areas.
Take Interstate 15 north from St. George, Utah, to Exit 22*. At the end of the freeway off-ramp, turn right onto Old Highway 91 (frontage road). Travel south 2 miles and turn right after passing the sign for the Red Cliffs Recreation Area. Continue under two freeway tunnels and follow the paved road for 1.3 miles into the campground. *If heading south from Cedar City, Utah, take Exit 23. Turn left on Silver Reef Road, then turn right onto Main Street. Travel south for 3.5 miles on Main Street (which turns into Old Highway 91). Continue the directions above.

Red Cliffs National Conservation Area
The approximately 45,000 acres of public land in the NCA are located in south-central Washington County. The NCA is an important component of the Red Cliffs Desert Reserve, a multi-jurisdictional land base that has been collaboratively managed by BLM, the State of Utah, Washington County, and local municipalities since 1996 to protect populations and habitat of the threatened Mojave Desert tortoise and other at-risk native plant and animal species.More than 130 miles of non-motorized recreation trails (hiking, mountain biking, and equestrian trail riding) are available for public use in the NCA. The Red Cliffs Recreation Area offers camping and day use areas, in a developed site where fees are collected. All motorized vehicle travel, including Off-Highway Vehicles, is limited to designated roads in the NCA. No motorized or mechanized vehicle travel is allowed in the Red Mountain and Cottonwood Canyon Wilderness areas.
Take Interstate 15 north from St. George, Utah, to Exit 22*. At the end of the freeway off-ramp, turn right onto Old Highway 91 (frontage road). Travel south 2 miles and turn right after passing the sign for the Red Cliffs Recreation Area. Continue under two freeway tunnels and follow the paved road for 1.3 miles into the campground. *If heading south from Cedar City, Utah, take Exit 23. Turn left on Silver Reef Road, then turn right onto Main Street. Travel south for 3.5 miles on Main Street (which turns into Old Highway 91). Continue the directions above.