Lake Berryessa - CamperEdge Unavailable Image - Credits: CamperEdge

Lake Berryessa

Nestled between Blue Ridge and Cedar Roughs, east of the Napa Valley, Lake Berryessa offers year-round recreation opportunities. Lake Berryessa's water reaches temperatures of up to 75 degrees in the summer, making it an ideal place for water sports. Anglers enjoy fishing for both cold and warm water species, such as rainbow trout, bass, catfish, crappie, and bluegill. The Bureau of Reclamation provides two large day use areas (Oak Shores and Smittle Creek), Capell Cove launch ramp, and many smaller dispersed day use areas. There are Recreation Areas around the lake that are managed by concessionaires under contract with Reclamation and provide camping, day use and boating facilities. Contact the concession areas directly for information about amenities.

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Lake Berryessa is located 70 miles northeast of San Francisco and 40 miles west of Sacramento. Nearest towns are Napa to the southwest or Winters to the east. Nearest highways are state highways 121 and 128.