J Percy Priest Lake
The Nashville District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers welcomes you to J. Percy Priest Lake. The lake provides a variety of outdoor recreational opportunities for millions of visitors each year. Because of the temperate climate and relatively long recreation season, visitors have numerous activities from which to choose, including: fishing, hunting, camping, picnicking, boating, canoeing, hiking, horseback riding, and others. Because of the lake's proximity to Nashville (15 minutes from downtown) lakeside recreation can fit nicely into your other vacation plans.
From Nashville, 5 miles east on I-40 to Stewarts Ferry Pike exit, right on Stewarts Ferry Pike, left on Bell Rd.

J Percy Priest Lake
The Nashville District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers welcomes you to J. Percy Priest Lake. The lake provides a variety of outdoor recreational opportunities for millions of visitors each year. Because of the temperate climate and relatively long recreation season, visitors have numerous activities from which to choose, including: fishing, hunting, camping, picnicking, boating, canoeing, hiking, horseback riding, and others. Because of the lake's proximity to Nashville (15 minutes from downtown) lakeside recreation can fit nicely into your other vacation plans.
From Nashville, 5 miles east on I-40 to Stewarts Ferry Pike exit, right on Stewarts Ferry Pike, left on Bell Rd.